Hattie Newman

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Self described set designer, paper artist and director, Hattie Newman has the ability to make paper come to life. We took a short trip up to her Stoke Newington studio, to learn more about her creations and upcoming projects.

Tell us a bit about what you do?
Well, I specialise in paper craft, building 3D worlds that exist in editorial magazines, window displays, animations and advertisements.

Sounds cool, what type of things do you make and what's the process involved?
Every design brief is different but I have created anything from whole cities, buildings and characters. I will always sketch first, imagining the shape as a 3D object. I then design the net on the computer which takes a lot of trial and error. Once I am happy with it I’ll print it, cut it all out and assemble. One small building can take a couple of days to a week to make.

You must have the patience of a saint!
I do in some ways but in other things, not so much. I recently purchased a digital paper cutter and it’s changed my life!
What’s been your favourite project so far?
There’s been lots of fun ones. I recently had to create a large model of Ireland for a Gas Works TV ad. It was really satisfying to see the paper world turned into animation.

It must be fun creating mini versions of things.
Yep! I really enjoy building buildings. It gives you a sense of power and satisfaction of simplifying something that can seem quite complex.

When you're not making amazing paper creations, how do you spend your time?
I watch a lot of films and read. Being from the Devon, I love going back to the countryside and going for walks through the forest, but I also love visiting busy New York. I have a few of clients over there. 

Is that where you gain a lot of your inspiration?
Yeah, I think it subconsciously goes in and then out into my work. I take my sketch book with me where I can.

What’s up next for Hattie Newman?
I’m working on a pilot episode for a new kids TV show about a travelling family, which I am really excited about!

Sounds great, can’t wait to see it!

Hattie wears the Adler Windsor in Yellow Tort & Carole Sunglasses in Candy Red.
See Hattie’s showcase of work here.

Instagram: @hattienewman

Photos: @calumheadfilm

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