Cory 'Beefy' Wharton-Malcolm

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It’s been called ‘London’s Most Mysterious Track Club’, so what exactly is TrackMafia? We caught up with Cory (or Beefy, as he’s known) via email from Berlin, where he was taking part in the Berlin Half Marathon. From his first marathon in just under 7 hours to running 340-miles for The Speed Project, this guy has had an incredible journey.


What's your story? Why did you choose running over other sports?

I started my career working in Westminster doing community work, and then moved into Sports Development working with at-risk young people. I wanted to use sport as a tool to inspire young people to do something positive with their lives. After doing that for a few years, I began to work more with women and girls, over-50s, and adults with disabilities. Whilst all of this was going on I was eating a lot and getting really fat.

One year I went to watch a friend of mine run the London Marathon and it inspired me to want to do the same. After having not run since school, I decided to get started! At first I couldn’t run to the bottom of the road without nearly dying, but as time passed I improved. I ran the Great North Run as my first half marathon, and then the London Marathon, which went terribly. I crossed the line in 6 hours and 59 mins. But I didn’t give up, and entered New York marathon the same year (which was nearly as bad)!

I joined a running club called Dulwich Runners and they taught me more about running and I also started to do track running. I did some running qualifications, read a lot and gained a lot of experience spending time with people who had been running their entire lives.

My friend and boss Eugene introduced me to Charlie Dark of Run Dem Crew, and I started to work with a friend of mine, Ellie Wood, on setting up Run Dem Crew West. Unfortunately this meant that I had to stop going to the Dulwich Runners track session every Tuesday, as I was going to RDC’s main Tuesday sessions. I missed doing track, and that’s how TrackMafia was born! It was just myself, Jules and Jeggi running round the track on Thursday nights. Slowly but surely, people started to notice that we were getting faster and stronger, but more importantly more efficient. People wanted to join us, and that’s how TrackMafia opened its doors.


What a track (!) record (sorry, we like puns here). What has been your greatest achievement, and what challenges have you overcome, with running?

I think my biggest personal achievement is fooling others in to believing that I know what I’m doing. I know that sounds a little off, but it’s true! I cannot underestimate or take for granted the support network that I have around me; it allows me to do what I do.

Challenges that I have overcome personally are some serious weight issues; I was a fat dude, and I had some body image issues that sat alongside being ‘the fat guy’ and, if I’m honest, just keeping going, putting one foot in front of the other, was a struggle. I’ve been in some bad places during races where the mind has taken over from the body, and when the mind was done my heart took over.

I think it’s fair to say one of the biggest achievements and challenges in my running career was The Speed Project. We ran from Santa Monica Pier to the Las Vegas welcome sign in a relay team, covering anywhere between 1 mile and 10k at a time. I think each of us ran around 90k over 50 hours.


Yep – we’ve heard about the infamous Speed Project! It sounds gruelling, and slightly insane. Tell us more about your work with TrackMafia.

Since its inception, TrackMafia has grown into more than just a track session. We are teammates, family, and the session is about far more than speed. It’s about challenging yourself, it’s about grit and determination, it’s about not giving up, it’s about looking out for each other and moving forward collectively. These are all skills or traits that will subconsciously bleed into the rest of your life and will undoubtedly have a positive effect on it. Some people believe that it’s about track times, but it’s not. It’s about attitude and having the ability to push yourself. If we see that someone is giving 100% then we don’t care what is says on the clock – we know that you are giving it your all.

TrackMafia’s goal is to change the way that track is viewed by the masses, to give people a safe space to train, to learn and, weirdly enough, to be vulnerable. Out on the track you will see such a range of emotions, from happiness and joy to sadness and good old-fashioned fatigue.

Outside of the track session we also run our own publication called The Black Print where we do our utmost to share what else goes on in the lives of runners. What do we eat, what music do we listen to, where do we go when we’re not running? We also travel around the world connecting with likeminded people and share their stories.


You have a bunch of stuff going on alongside running - tell us about your brand consultant and content curation work.

Outside of the act of running I do some other bits and pieces. I’ve been shooting (photography) for a few years now – I shoot a lot of running, food and lifestyle. I do voice overs as well, so you can hear me on the Nike Run Club app guiding you through your run. I also dabble in Sport Choreography on shoots where runners are needed, as well as brand consultation. I work alongside brands on events from inception to delivery and, am sometimes brought in to host sporting events.


Phew! That’s a bunch. Any final tips for people getting started in track, or running the London Marathon for the first time?

  1. Stick to the plan and don’t go out to hard.
  2. Make sure you take on water and nutrition.
  3. Don’t panic if things don’t go to plan.
  4. Have a bronze, silver and gold time in mind.
  5. SMILE!


To find out more about TrackMafia, visit their website.


Beefy wears the Massimo in Matte Grey Crystal, the Massimo in Matte Black and the Raff in Matte Grey Crystal.

IG: @bitbeefy

Photography by Hannah Miles

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